Publications from SOPRA

Sources of moral distress among obstetrician-gynecologists after Dobbs: A qualitative, multi-state study
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health (2024)
Buchbinder, M., Arora, K. S., McKetchnie, S. M., & Sabbath, E. L.
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Supporting OB-GYNs in abortion-restrictive states - A playbook for institutions
JAMA (2024)
Sabbath, E. L., Arora, K. S., & Buchbinder, M.
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US obstetrician-gynecologists’ perceived impacts of post-Dobbs v Jackson state abortion bans
JAMA Network Open (2024)
Sabbath, E. L., McKetchnie, S. M., Arora, K. S., & Buchbinder, M.
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Are state abortion bans an occupational health hazard for obstetrician-gynaecologists? Findings from a multi-state study
Occupational & Environmental Medicine (2024)
Sabbath, E. L., McKetchnie, S. M., Arora, K. S., & Buchbinder, M.
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Reproductive health after Dobbs: Rethinking obstetric harm in the United States
Medical Anthropology (2024)
Buchbinder, M & Sabbath, E. L.
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